New Jersey Barber License and Training Requirements
Required Barbering Courses in New Jersey Barbering Schools
Everyone wants to look good! With training from a barbering NJ program and an NJ barber license, you may help guys all over the state look their best. According to the New Jersey State Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling, aspiring barbers need at least 900 hours of training from an approved barber school to start their career. This is much shorter than what’s required in other states, so you may be able to begin working fairly quickly in this state. Your training has to be split up into specific topics and skills. Your barber school of choice should meet the following requirements for barbering courses:
New Jersey Barber Classes
- 10 hours: State laws, rules, and regulations
- 4 hours: History of hair and barbering
- 2 hours: Professional image and hygiene
- 20 hours: Infection control
- 20 hours: Shampooing and temporary rinses
- 4 hours: Honing and stropping
- 125 hours: Shaving
- 225 hours: Men’s hair cutting and styling
- 15 hours: Beard and mustache trimming
- 70 hours: Women’s hair cutting and styling
- 15 hours: Facials and facial massage
- 5 hours: Anatomy of head, neck, and face
- 5 hours: Disorders of the skin, scalp, and hair
- 55 hours: Men’s hairpiece services
- 210 hours: Chemistry and chemical-related services
After you’re done at barber college, it’s time to apply for your New Jersey barber license and finish the process of getting your career going! Find out how to become a barber in New Jersey now by reaching out to local barbering programs today.
New Jersey Barber Training and License Requirements
At this point, you may still be wondering what it takes to get a barber license in New Jersey. If you work hard and practice during your education, you may be well on your way to licensure. You have to pass a written test and a skills test to prove that you have what it takes to work independently in this field. Once that step is done, you are ready to get your license!
New Jersey Barbering License Specifics
- Accepted payment methods: Fees payable by check or money order
- License/application fees: $50 application fee and $60 licensing fee
- Apprenticeship options: Unavailable in New Jersey
There are numerous reasons that New Jersey has such tough standards for its barbers. When the beauty industry isn’t regulated, it’s easy for anyone to call themselves a barber or cosmetologist, even if they don’t have any beauty training. By requiring all students to meet the same standards, beauty industry leaders can strengthen the reputation of this field.
Requirements for Renewing Your Barber License in New Jersey
Getting your initial license can take lots of education and paperwork, but it’s all downhill from there. After you get your barbering license, you simply need to pay $60 to renew it every two years. In New Jersey, there are no continuing education requirements for barbers.
Take the beauty industry by storm and bring your sense of creativity to your career. Reach out to barbering schools today to request more information.
Find Barbering Programs in New Jersey
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.