Home How much is cosmetology school?

How much is cosmetology school?



It’s not a surprise that often times the first thing most people ask about when they’re thinking of going to cosmetology school is “how much will this cost?” Fortunately for you, beauty school is usually much less expensive than a traditional four-year college or even a technical college.   On top of that, it could lead you to a fast-paced and rewarding career in the beauty industry.

In general, schools on the east and west coast, in addition to schools in urban areas, will tend to be more expensive than schools in suburban or rural areas. On the east coast, it’s typical for a beauty school to cost $11,000-$20,000, while in the Midwest and other more rural areas it, on average, can cost $7,000 or less.  Take the first step now.

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Do different programs cost different amounts?

The overall cost of your program can also depend on what kind of course you’re taking as well. A comprehensive course that covers nails, hair, and facial treatments is usually more expensive than separate programs such as estheticselectrolysis, makeup or massage therapy.   Studying just hair design, for example, could cost $4,000 versus a full beauty school program of $11,000.

The good news is that you don’t have to come up with any money upfront when you apply to beauty schools because the vast majority of them do not have application fees.  This means you can explore numerous options and find the most compatible fit for you without any financial risks.

Search different beauty programs to find the one right for you.

Are there any other cosmetology fees to be aware of?

Cosmetology school involves a great deal of supplies, including scissors, books, practice kits, and more. Schools typically ask that you use a specific brand so that it is guaranteed you are learning on high-quality products. While many cosmetology schools, especially national chains, include the cost of materials in their tuition, others do not so make sure you ask when looking at programs so no unexpected costs sneak up on you.

Learn how to pay for cosmetology school

There are a number of cosmetology scholarships available both nationally and state wide.  In addition, you can receive financial aid for beauty school as well.  Find out what opportunities you have to help for the costs of the programs.

What are you waiting for?  Find a school today!

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