How do I become an esthetician?
Often times, we see that people are torn between the beauty industry and entry level positions in the medical field. Luckily, one popular solution is looking into esthetics programs because it can provide you the best of both worlds. wants to answer all of your questions about this cosmetology program and get you in contact with the top esthetics schools in your area.
How long is esthetican school?
Like other cosmetology schools and programs, the amount of time your esthetics training will last depends on the number of hours your state requires in order to become licensed. Currently the national average for esthetician school is 600 hours, but schools can vary from 300 to 1500 hours. A majority of these programs also will allow you to take classes full or part-time which will heavily impact the amount of time to complete. As a full-time student, you can complete your training usually in as little as a four to six months depending on the hours of the program. We recommend you check out your state’s esthetician licensing requirements when looking at esthetics schools to make sure the program you are interested in fulfills these hours.
What will I learn in esthetician school?
One of the most rewarding parts of becoming an esthetician is that you work with clients on a daily basis to help make them feel beautiful by simply making their skin as healthy as possible. During your esthetics training, you will be taught to perform the most common skin therapies including, chemical peels, exfoliation, waxing, facials and microdermabraion, so that upon completion you feel confident in being able to assist each and every client.
What is the difference between a spa esthetician and a medical esthetician?
Although these terms and the training you will receive for each is quite similar there is a difference. Spa estheticians are those professionals who choose to work in a traditional esthetics capacity at spas and beauty parlors performing the tasks learned in training. Often times, medical estheticians will have a background in a healthcare profession but have decided to work for a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Medical estheticians do all of the cosmetic duties of a spa esthetician, but they will have advanced training on top. This training will allow them to teach people how to treat and prevent a number of skin ailments.
What is the difference between esthetics school and cosmetology school?
There are a number of full cosmetology schools that allow you to take esthetics as part of its program which will also cover hair, makeup, electrolysis and more. If you aren’t sure if you want to solely focus on esthetics a full cosmetology program may be what you need to find the niche that will make you feel most satisfied. If you know a career in esthetics is what you need to fulfill your goals, than solely an esthetic program is the better choice. These specialized esthetics schools and training programs will be more in-depth and give you a greater knowledge base in the field. In addition, specialized esthetics programs will tend to be less costly and can be completed in a faster amount of time.
Jumpstart Your Esthetics Career Today!
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