Home How can I prepare for cosmetology school?

How can I prepare for cosmetology school?



Although cosmetology is a specialized program, vary rarely do you have to have cosmetology experience before being accepted into a program, but it’s always a great choice to have experience under your belt.

Take available cosmetology courses in high school

If you are in high school and interested in becoming a cosmetologist, you may be able to get a jump on your cosmetology education before you even graduate! Select cosmetology schools accept high school students on a part-time basis, allowing them to complete classes in the evening and on weekends. There are many vocational technical colleges that work with high schools as well to give students a basic education in cosmetology, preparing them for cosmetology school after high school graduation.

Find a Cosmetology School

There are also a number of high schools that have cosmetology programs within their course electives. You should take these programs for a number of reasons.  First, it will give you an idea on if you wish to pursue cosmetology after high school.  Secondly, the hours you spend in class will count towards the required hours for licensure.

Take Caroline Torres, a junior from San Benito High School, for example.  She enrolled in her high school’s cosmetology program because she wants to pursue hair and makeup after graduation.

“I was really excited about it.  I have a passion for doing hair and makeup.  I love it so far.  I have learned so many things.”- Caroline Torres

Gain industry experience

Another excellent opportunity is to work prior to cosmetology school in a salon as a hair washer, assistant or at the front desk, to get a better feel for the industry.   Not only does this work experience give prospective students a better glimpse into the cosmetology industry, but it’s a great way to make professional connections that can help you find employment after beauty school.

While prior experience isn’t necessary for success in cosmetology school, it can definitely help and we recommend taking advantage of any experience opportunities prior to cosmetology school!

Find the cosmetology program for you.

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