Beauty Schools News

Is continued education required for cosmetologists?

Is continued education required for cosmetologists?



Depending on the state in which you have received your cosmetology license, you may be required to take continued education classes either on a yearly basis or a set number of hours before renewing your license. For example, Ohio requires that you complete eight continued education classes between each two year renewal period focusing on hair, nails, skin care, relaxation massage and business practices.  Alabama, Florida and North Carolina on the other hand, require that as a cosmetology professional you complete a minimum of 16 hours of continued education courses.  It is important to check with your state licensing agency to determine if you will need to take into consideration required continued education hours.  Although not every state requires continued education, every state recommends it.

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Why is continued education in cosmetology important?

The cosmetology industry is constantly changing and evolving to meet customer’s wants and demands.  The only way to really stay updated on the top trends, styles and products is to immense yourself into the cosmetology culture and seek out additional education opportunities.

“Despite every minute you spend in the classroom and every hour you log while practicing to be a cosmetologist, receiving a license does not mean your learning is over.” –Avenue Five Institute

As a cosmetology professional, taking these continued education courses when you aren’t necessarily required show potential employers and customers that you care enough about the cosmetology industry to take the necessary steps to grow professionally.

Where can I find continued education opportunities?

There are numerous schools across the country that offer continued education opportunities, many for free to past cosmetology students of the program.  While looking for cosmetology schools, be sure to ask if continued education opportunities are offered.  Regardless of where you decide to pursue continuing your cosmetology education your courses will focus on advancing your skills in new and more skilled techniques.  You should also join national and state associations to stay informed on current course offerings through these groups.  The Professional Beauty Association and the  American Association of Cosmetology Schools both do an excellent job of either sponsoring and holding or spreading the word on continuing education opportunities.
requirements as the state you would like to work, you can most likely receive reciprocity. To find out if your license is eligible for reciprocity, contact the Board of Cosmetology in the state that you want to work in. They will determine whether or not reciprocity is an option for you.

But of course, before you get licensed you will need to finish your training from an accredited cosmetology program.

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What is the difference between massage therapy schools?

What is the difference between massage therapy schools?



There are an estimated 350 accredited massage schools and programs in the United States for you to choose from, giving you plenty of opportunities to find a program best suited for you.  These schools will offer you roughly the same curriculum and will consist of massage therapy techniques, anatomy and physiology, pathology and kinesiology.  Most will also offer extensive education in business management to prepare you to work in both an established massage therapy setting or to open your own salon.

One of the main differences in massage therapy schools is the time it will take to complete the program and the student size. Depending on the state in which you wish to attend a massage therapy school, the required number of hours you must complete will vary considerably.  Also, consider if you wish to attend school full-time or part-time as most massage therapy schools offer the option for both.  Massage therapy programs can be between 350 and 1,000 hours and will range between a month to over a year to complete.  Start your search for a massage therapy program!

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What are the prerequisites for getting into a massage therapy school?

Typically, you will not need to have any prior experience in the massage therapy industry in order to be accepted into a program in your area.  However, you will have to have received a high school diploma or your GED before applying.  In addition, some schools require that your cumulative GPA be at or above an agreed upon standard, but this is not as common.

Do different massage therapy schools cost different amounts?

The cost of massage therapy schools vary depending on which state you wish to enroll in to complete a massage therapy program.  This is because most schools base tuition cost on the number of hours of training you are required to receive in order to become licensed in that state.  As of 2012, the majority of massage therapists completed an average of 619 hours of initial training.  Typically, massage therapy schools will charge between $6-$17 dollars per hour of training.

What is the difference in becoming licensed and becoming board certified?

Currently, there are 43 states that will require you, as a massage therapist, to become licensed upon completion of a massage therapy school program.  Each state holds its own standards for measuring an applicants knowledge and skills as well as different criteria one must meet.  Be sure to check your state’s individual massage therapy licensing requirements prior to completion of your massage training.

To receive the Board Certification is the highest obtainable credential in the massage therapy industry.  Although not required, massage therapists who choose to seek this level of certification will complete additional continued education and hands-on training in addition to a background check.  According to the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, massage therapists who take this extra step will have a more competitive edge in the field, see an increase in employment opportunities and be seen as more credible by both clients and companies.

Find A Massage Therapy School Near You!

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How much is cosmetology school?

How much is cosmetology school?



It’s not a surprise that often times the first thing most people ask about when they’re thinking of going to cosmetology school is “how much will this cost?” Fortunately for you, beauty school is usually much less expensive than a traditional four-year college or even a technical college.   On top of that, it could lead you to a fast-paced and rewarding career in the beauty industry.

In general, schools on the east and west coast, in addition to schools in urban areas, will tend to be more expensive than schools in suburban or rural areas. On the east coast, it’s typical for a beauty school to cost $11,000-$20,000, while in the Midwest and other more rural areas it, on average, can cost $7,000 or less.  Take the first step now.

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Do different programs cost different amounts?

The overall cost of your program can also depend on what kind of course you’re taking as well. A comprehensive course that covers nails, hair, and facial treatments is usually more expensive than separate programs such as estheticselectrolysis, makeup or massage therapy.   Studying just hair design, for example, could cost $4,000 versus a full beauty school program of $11,000.

The good news is that you don’t have to come up with any money upfront when you apply to beauty schools because the vast majority of them do not have application fees.  This means you can explore numerous options and find the most compatible fit for you without any financial risks.

Search different beauty programs to find the one right for you.

Are there any other cosmetology fees to be aware of?

Cosmetology school involves a great deal of supplies, including scissors, books, practice kits, and more. Schools typically ask that you use a specific brand so that it is guaranteed you are learning on high-quality products. While many cosmetology schools, especially national chains, include the cost of materials in their tuition, others do not so make sure you ask when looking at programs so no unexpected costs sneak up on you.

Learn how to pay for cosmetology school

There are a number of cosmetology scholarships available both nationally and state wide.  In addition, you can receive financial aid for beauty school as well.  Find out what opportunities you have to help for the costs of the programs.

What are you waiting for?  Find a school today!

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