Will beauty school provide me with a cosmetology kit to complete my program?

Will beauty school provide me with a cosmetology kit to complete my program?



As you further narrow down the list of cosmetology schools you are considering, one thing you should be certain to ask is if the beauty school  will provide you with a student kit.    If they do, make sure you know whether or not the cost is included in tuition. This information can help you budget for school and start with the supplies you need.  Although all schools require that you have a kit in order to successfully complete a cosmetology program, it is not universal for schools to supply these in house.  In short, it depends on which school you attend.

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There are many schools that will  include the cost of your student kit in your tuition. In that case, you typically receive the student kit shortly before starting your program. This allows you to check over the kit, ensure that everything is included, and make sure that everything arrived in good condition. National beauty schools, with locations all over the country, are more likely to provide student kits, as this makes it easier to ensure that students from different locations are learning the same methods, with the same tools.

Schools that are based in one area or only have one location are less likely to include a student kit in the cost of tuition. If your school does not provide a kit, they may either give you a list of places where you can acquire an approved kit, give you a list of items you need and let you get them at a beauty supply store, or have one provider where you must buy your student kit.  Start checking out different cosmetology programs today.

How much does a cosmetology kit cost if it’s not provided by the school?

Again, there is no universal answer to this, as there are a number of brands that offer a number of different options for student cosmetology kits.   You will need to use a student cosmetology kit that has the supplies required by your school and each school has different requirements.  Typically, new hair styling kits can be found between $200-$400 dollars, with the main difference being the additional supplies included and the carrying case.  Contacting a few cosmetology schools will give you the best idea for which student kit you will need.

Are books included as part of my cosmetology kit?

Your books are a very important part of your cosmetology education before you begin working on the floor to practice what you have learned in the classroom.   Typically, the only time your school books will be included in the cost of your cosmetology kit is when the school offers on all for one package that includes your tuition, books and kit. This is not saying that all schools that provide student kits bundle costs into one, so when looking at schools be sure to ask what all is included. This can ensure that you have everything you need from the first day of class.

Ready to get started?  Let us help find a cosmetology school for you!

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What comes in a standard cosmetology school student kit?

What comes in a standard cosmetology school student kit?



tools_shutterstock_167205512_Jan7As a cosmetology student, you need a variety of materials to attend and participate in classes and ultimately make you a successful cosmetologist. Depending on which school you attend, you may have a school-provided student kit or you may need to purchase your own kit that meets your school’s standards.  If you are want to attend a school that offers a full cosmetology program, your kit should contain everything you need to learn and work on hair, skin and makeup, and nails.

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For the hair dressing part of your program, your cosmetology student kit will typically include the following items: hair clippers, razors and shears, a curling iron and flat iron, hair brushes, combs and rollers, curling rods, clips, capes, mixing bowls an of course, your very own mannequin head.  When looking at different cosmetology schools that interest you, be sure you ask if kits come with the tuition cost or if you have to buy your own.  If you have to buy your own, ask if there is a specific brand the school requires in order to guarantee all students are working off he same utensils.

What will come in a kit if my cosmetology program includes nail care or esthetics?

While not all cosmetology programs offer nail care and design in the curriculum, if you enroll in a school that does give you this option, you will need a kit that isn’t exclusive to a cosmetology program.   Kits for nail care will include white, clear, and pink acrylic powder, acrylic liquid monomer, brush cleaner, nail tips, surgical glue, acrylic brush, black nail files, black and white buffer blocks, manicure brush, manicure bowl, mannequin hand or finger.  Find a makeup program today to get started! 

Skin care can be a significant part of a cosmetology program as well at a number of schools, so it too will require extensive materials. The skin care and makeup part of your student kit should include the following items: face washes for different skin types, facial scrub, facial astringent, facial masks, foundation in various shades, eye makeup, including eye shadow and eyeliner, samples of other types of makeup, including blush and lipstick, makeup brushes and tweezers.  Start your search for the esthetic program for you.

In addition to specific materials and items for each course, your student kit should include items that you use in all fields of study. Items in this category include gloves, cotton swabs, rubbing alcohol, and mirrors. As these items run out, you may be expected to buy new materials to replace them.

Don’t Wait Another Minute, Find A Cosmetology School Today!

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How Cosmetology School Shaped A Professional Hairstylist’s Life

How Cosmetology School Shaped A Professional Hairstylist’s Life




BeautySchools.com had the pleasure of sitting down with professional hairstylist, Meg Jessup, to talk everything beauty related.  Meg, a licensed cosmetologist in Kansas, Missouri, and Texas for ten years, thrives off the fast paced environment that the cosmetology field offers.  She currently is behind the chair at Simply Red Salonspa, in Branson, Missouri, where she specializes in color techniques.

I make men and women feel worthy, sexy, and powerful. I have to remind myself daily that I have the BEST profession.


When did you become interested in cosmetology and what inspired your decision to enroll in cosmetology school?

Born with strawberry blonde, fine curls, I was never EVER happy with my hair.  Like many people, I had some heinous hairdos and atrocious dye jobs, and never clapped with glee because I loved my hair, ever!   However, at the time, I did not feel I had the natural ability to do hair for ‘a living’. It was during college that I began experimenting with my own color and haircutting, developed some admirers who wanted me to (and I did, not well mind you) do their hair in my kitchen. I was absolutely encouraged by friends and family to go to ‘beauty’ school.

What did you look for while comparing different cosmetology programs and why did you choose the one you did?

There were several local programs to choose from but I wanted to know which had the smallest one-on-one class size with a reputation for being “good”- I really didn’t know what that meant- but I knew I needed to learn by people who knew what the heck they were teaching, so I chose a program that had been open for some 50 years and the instructors knew their stuff through and through. I also had met successful stylists who recommended the program.

Which programs did you take, full cosmetology or did you specialize?

While in beauty school, I received an offer to train as a color technician with Toni & Guy in Dallas, TX and five years into my career moved to complete that intense training. If I could go back to when I first received that offer, I would have started RIGHT out of cosmetology school!  I had developed so many lazy and sloppy shortcuts that I didn’t realize even mattered. Thankfully I was retrained to do things correctly and accurately.  I now specialize in color and I know without a doubt that training was a pivotal point of my career.

What is the most rewarding part of working in the cosmetology and beauty industry?

My clientele are absolutely the most rewarding part of my job. It feels so awesome to make someone feel outstanding about themselves. Clients want fantastic ‘hair commercial’ hair, they want to feel pampered and they want to know they can sit down in your chair, forget all their nerves, about heinous hairdos of the past, and I am the the one who gets to give them that.  The gratitude that they share with me and the loyalty they have expressed over the years keep me fulfilled. I make men and women feel worthy, sexy, and powerful! I have to remind myself daily that I have the BEST profession.

What is one thing that has stuck with you from cosmetology school that you still to this day remember?

In beauty school, my instructors instilled that people want a expert not a technician. People value your up-to-date opinion on colors and trends, not to be rushed through but with an individualized approach and be taught how to replicate the look that you create for them so they can have not just one good hair day. To not get discouraged but to just keep learning from your mistakes. Toni & Guy taught me to really slow down and put quality over quantity. Also, just to continue learning and evolving as our profession makes advancements to better serve an ever changing trend driven market.

What is your favorite cosmetology service to offer your clients?

My favorite service to offer is a total makeover, of course! There is no better feeling as an artist to know your client has released all of their control and trust anything you want to do.  I almost always hold myself back from what I really want to do on a client because they are afraid it’s ‘not going to look good on them’. I KNOW what’s going to flatter them, it’s what I do.  So when I am able to evaluate their lifestyle, coloring, and the amount of time they want to spend on getting ready and customize a full look for them, I am totally in my element. Sometimes it requires radical change.   Then when I am able to turn them around to see their full potential actualized is completely gratifying.  I love seeing how someone’s attitude changes when they know they look good and they walk out with new confidence and empowerment. I know I have done my job when my clients can’t even wait to leave my chair before they share their new look on social media.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone considering enrolling in beauty school?

Cosmetology as a profession, requires a thorough well-rounded basic knowledge, first and foremost. Choose an institution with cutting edge techniques with tried and true principles of classic hairdressing.  Cosmetology is for people-people highly passionate creative individuals who really want to do some hair, not for the meek. I recommend enrolling somewhere you will be treated like the future professional that you are and be provided with a hands on approach to really LEARN and not be SHOWN. Go to institutions and observe class, research all different programs they offer and pick a school where questions are being encouraged and mistakes are opportunities for growth. When you find the right program for your goals and complete it, remember you still have more to learn! In this profession you learn every day.