Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Wisconsin Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Wisconsin Electrolysis Training Programs

Wisconsin Electrolysis Training Programs

If you are an entrepreneurial professional, then starting an electrolysis career in Wisconsin may be right for you. You can create your own electrolysis practice and build your clientele out of the many communities that Wisconsin has to offer. Friendly communities and a high demand for electrolysis services in Wisconsin await you. Pursuing your electrology degree will put you in a good position to start a new business and create your own schedule.

Take some time to apply for an electrology program in Wisconsin to get your career started on the right path:

– American Institute of Education
– Eau Claire Institute of Electrology
– River Rock Electrology Institute

In an electrology program, you will learn how to use the latest micro probe tools and other electrolysis equipment to permanently remove hair on your clients. Your clients will come to you with specific requests for removal of patches of hair. The instructors in your electrology program will teach you how to respond to these specific types of requests, and you will be able to provide quality service to your clients. In some of the practical courses that you will take, you will gain valuable real world experience in:

– assisting in positioning of clients
– lighting and optics
– performing evaluations of clients
– assisting in hair removal for clients

This real world experience gives you an excellent opportunity to develop your interpersonal communication skills with clients.

Overview of Electrolysis Licensing in Wisconsin

In Wisconsin, electrologists are required to have a license. They must obtain at least 450 hours of educational training in an approved program. There is an examination requirement that electrologists also must complete. Every two years, electrologists will also need to acquire at least one continuing education credit. Applicants must obtain a high school education and be at least 18 years old.

Job and Employment Outlook for Those in Electrolysis in Wisconsin

Electrolysis professionals earn an average salary of about $30,800 a year in Wisconsin. The AEA also reports that electrolysis professionals have the potential to earn as much as $50,000 a year in their positions. Those who choose to practice in their own small business have the potential to earn a great salary. Otherwise, elctrolysis technicians can still earn a stable income in working for a private medical office, dermatologist office, salon or spa.