Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Delaware Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Permanent Makeup in Delaware

Permanent Makeup in Delaware

If you’re passionate about the beauty industry, it’s likely that you are most interested in one type of beauty career. If you find yourself learning about different beauty careers and coming back to makeup application again and again, you may want to learn more about permanent makeup!

Though this job title may make it sound like you actually apply makeup on clients, you actually use tattoo needles to create the appearance of makeup. Pigment is permanently deposited on the skin, where it allows customers to enjoy the effects of makeup day after day without reapplication.

As you may expect, this job requires you to have steady hands and a strong attention to detail. When you’re ready to take the next step in your beauty career, contact the schools below to learn more about permanent makeup programs in Delaware.

Permanent Makeup Schools in Delaware

When you start out as a new permanent makeup student, you may learn about the history of permanent cosmetics. Though this field has just recently started to gain popularity throughout the United States, it’s been around for quite some time. You can learn about how it’s changed and what the future of this career is.

With this background knowledge, you can learn about the many effects that permanent makeup may accomplish. As you explore procedures for each part of the face and body, you learn about how cosmetics specialists achieve different looks.

Knowing your clients is crucial when you work in a specialty like this one. In your training, you may learn how to look at a client’s medical history and assess whether or not permanent makeup is a good fit for them and their needs. In this part of your training, you can also delve into client consultations and how to properly teach clients about the procedures they want.

Hands-on practice makes up a significant part of your education. You may begin by watching your instructors use techniques that they have used many times before. From there, though, you can learn how to use permanent makeup tools on your own.

Working as a Permanent Makeup Artist in Delaware

Skin care is a field that has seen impressive growth throughout the United States, so this may be the right time to begin a career in permanent cosmetics. Per O*Net, job openings for skin care specialists may swell by 40% through 2022. Skin care specialists earn a wide variety of salaries, but the average salary in this field is $28,900 per year (O*Net, 2013).

In addition to building your career by working every day, you may want to attend local events to meet up with successful cosmetology professionals. Consider attending expos or training events to take your career further.

More and more Delaware residents are looking into permanent makeup. Will you be the one to give it to them? Learn more by reaching out to permanent makeup schools in Delaware.