Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Colorado Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Cosmetology Instructor Training in Colorado

Cosmetology Instructor Training in Colorado

If you wish to become a cosmetology instructor, then you may be interested in taking the theoretical and practical courses offered at Colorado cosmetology instructor training programs. In a program that just spans from weeks to up to six months, you can learn how to prepare lesson plans for your students and learn the most cutting-edge techniques to teach to your own students. Instructors will work with you to help you develop your skills as a cosmetology instructor.

Intensive courses can help you learn the material necessary to inspire your beauty school students and ultimately help them pass the state board exams. You can also learn how to develop your own syllabus and pass on knowledge gained from your own experiences as a cosmetologist.

After obtaining a certification from a cosmetology instructor training program, you will be qualified to teach courses in esthetics, makeup artistry, hair cutting, hair styling, nail technology and other areas of the beauty industry. You can also learn how to create a classroom environment in which all students feel respected and like they are part of a team.

Licensing Requirements for Cosmetology Instructors in Colorado

There are several stringent requirements that you must fulfill before practicing as a cosmetology instructor in Colorado. To receive your cosmetology isntructor license, you first need to submit a state license application to the Colorado Office of Barber and Cosmetology Licensure. You also need to ensure that you have received all of the appropriate credentials from the Colorado Department of Education to become an instructor. At this time, you will be required to show proof of your cosmetology license in Colorado or have obtained a license with similar requirements from another state. You also need to complete a cosmetology exam that is given through Pearson VUE to become an instructor in the state.

Employment Opportunities in Colorado

As a full-time cosmetology instructor in Colorado, your median salary can be as much as $57,130 a year in Colorado. The hourly wage behind this figure is $27.47 an hour. If you work part-time as a cosmetology instructor, then you can expect to earn a salary of about $28,500 a year in Colorado. Cosmetology instructors are in high demand within both public universities and private beauty schools. You can find opportunities to teach seminar courses in larger universities, or you can teach larger classes in private beauty schools like the Paul Mitchell School.